Churches and faith-based organisations elaborate on resilience

COMECE hosted a meeting on resilience, a notion that has become increasingly important in the discourse on the European peace and security policy. 25 representatives of Churches and faith-based organisations reflected jointly on this concept and on ways of putting it into practice.

(Credit: Web)

From COMECE’s perspective, the human being, family and local community should build the primary focus of EU’s resilience-fostering efforts. By pursuing a people-centered, comprehensive, context-specific and forward-looking approach, the strengthening of resilience should contribute to integral human development and sustainable peace.

The meeting was co-organised with the Conference of European Churches, Bahá’í International Community and the Quaker Council for European Affairs.

In light of the forthcoming EU Communication on “Resilience as a strategic priority of the external action of the EU”, the participants explored how the EU can enhance its peace-building policies at the grassroots, drawing on the extensive experience of Churches and faith-based organisations in different areas of work, including migration, development, climate change, education and human rights.

Click here in order to read the position paper of OMECE / Pax Christi International / Justice & Peace Europe entitled “Fostering resilience for sustainable peace”.