COMECE participation to the Katholikentag

Approximately two-thousands people attended the flagship event on the future of Europe entitled “In Diversity divided”, co-organised by COMECE, together with Renovabis and the Catholic Social Science Centre (KSZ), on 11 May 2018 in Münster, Germany.

(Credit: COMECE)

The dialogue took place in the context of the 101st German Catholic Day (Katholikentag) and allowed participants of different backgrounds and expertise to exchange on ways to strengthen the European Union as a project of peace and tool to promote the common good.

Panelists included Cardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Bishops’ Conference, Sylvie Goulard, publicist, essayist and cofounder of ‘United Europe’, Ska Keller, MEP and chair of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, and Irena Lipowicz, former polish ombudsman and law professor at the “Kardinal Stefan Wyszynski University”.

During the dialogue, Cardinal Marx recalled the common values on which the European Union was built – rule of law, democracy and human rights – and highlighted the need to “rethink Europe and find new balances in the social sphere [because] – he explained – the euphoria of the historical year of 1989 did not bring the result of a common European project of all EU Member States today”.

Participants of the COMECE-co-organised event joined the more than 90,000 people arrived from all over Germany to take part in the Katholikentag. They exchanged ideas and opinions in various panel discussions and events organised by around 300 catholic organisations who presented their recent initiatives.

Nearly 30,000 people celebrated their faith by attending the Holy Mass on Thursday and Sunday.

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