Pan-Amazon Church delegation met with EU officials

In preparations for the 2019 Pan-Amazon Synod, a Church delegation from the region met on 20 September 2018 in Brussels with high-level EU officials to promote Amazonia’s indigenous peoples’ dignity and rights.

(Credit: COMECE)

COMECE and its partners organised bilateral meetings and a dialogue event on the current situation in the region, with a particular emphasis on the respective role the Church and the EU could play in addressing the human rights, socio-economic and environmental challenges.

The delegation was composed of the Presidency of REPAM – H. Em. Cardinal Claudio Hummes (Brazil) and H.Em. Cardinal Pedro Barreto Jimeno (Peru) – and of representatives of indigenous communities from the Brazilian Amazon region.

The delegation presented a Human Rights report (LINK) pointing out cases of violations of indigenous peoples’ rights and encouraged the EU to make coherent use of all its external policy instruments to:

  • effectively counter discrimination, inequality and even violent attacks faced by indigenous people and human rights defenders;
  • develop appropriate monitoring and redress mechanisms for victims of human rights violations caused by EU-based actors;
  • strengthencapacity-building and adequate participation of indigenous representatives in consultation, decision-making and implementation processes in all matters affecting them.

The visit took place at a time when the EU is participating in the negotiations on a UN binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights which, once adopted, could become a significant instrument for corporate liability at the international level, and thus also contribute to promoting indigenous peoples’ rights.

Video of the Press Conference: 123 4
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