
7 June 2024

EU ELECTIONS | The President of EU bishops encourages participation and voting for “candidates and parties that will continue building a better Europe”

4 June - As the upcoming EU elections approach, the President of COMECE, Mgr. Mariano Crociata, readdressed the topic encouraging all European citizens, especially Catholics, “to go vote and to do so responsibly, choosing candidates and parties that will continue building a better Europe for all. The EU is not perfect, but we want to improve it together using the democratic tools we have, starting with our right to vote.” Read the Press Release

PUBLICATION | Our 2023 Annual Report is now online!

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27 May - We are pleased to announce that our 2023 Annual Report is now accessible online. Initially released in print last April during the COMECE Plenary Assembly in Łomża (Poland), we are delighted to make the report available in its digital format as well.
The report includes the entire speech delivered by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the Bishops of the European Union during the March 2023 Audience in the Consistory Hall at Vatican City, as well as an introduction by the President of COMECE, Mgr. Mariano Crociata.
Download the 2023 Annual Report
Annual Reports Archive

VIDEO | Mgr. Crociata: "Citizens' participation in this EU elections is crucial to a stronger Europe"

7 June - "Citizens' participation in this EU elections is crucial to a stronger Europe that can promote justice, peace and solidarity in our continent and in the world", says EU bishops president Mgr Crociata during his participation in the TelePace programme 'Telepace'. Watch the full interview

DOCUMENT | COMECE issues position paper on strengthening Europe’s democratic culture through values

31 May - COMECE released the position paper titled “Strengthening the Culture of Democracy through Values” offering an ethical perspective on the crucial role that values play in promoting, consolidating, and improving democracy in Europe, ensuring its legacy for future generations. Download the Position Paper

INTERVIEW | Fr. Barrios Prieto expresses concern over the instrumentalisation of the Church for political gains

7 June - In an interview with the Danish daily newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad, General Secretary Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto explains COMECE's role in promoting values for the common good and expresses concern over the instrumentalisation of the Church for political gains. Read the full interview

VIDEO | COMECE president urges citizens to rediscover European unity

27 May - Hosted by the Telepace TV program 'Pagine Aperte', COMECE President Mgr. Mariano Crociata urges the rediscovery of European unity "to express a strong, positive voice for peace and human dignity in the international arena". Watch the full interviewWatch the http

NEWS | Study day for coordinators of Catholic Religion in the European Schools takes place at COMECE

3 June - COMECE held a study day for the Coordinators of Catholic Religion who support the activities and work of Catholic religion teachers in European schools in Belgium and in other Member States where they are present. Read the News

EU Elections | Mgr. Crociata: "What we should do is to "recognise candidates who have a greater sensitivity to reconcile life, family, social dimensions"

6 June - Interviewed by the Italian daily newspaper Avvenire, the President of COMECE, Mgr. Mariano Crociata, emphasises the importance of participation in the elections and the need to "recognise candidates who have a greater sensitivity to reconcile life, family, social dimensions". Read the full interview

EVENT | Join the Mass for Europe in Brussels on July 1st!

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5 June - In the context of the start of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we invite you to participate in the Mass for Europe, to be celebrated at the Saints Michel et Gudule Cathedral in Brussels (Belgium) on Monday, 1 July 2024, at 17:00 (CET).
The Holy Mass will be celebrated H.E. Mgr. Luc Terlinden, Archbishop of Brussels-Mechelen and President of the Belgian Bishops’ Conference, H.Em. Card. Peter Erdö, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and Primate of Hungary; H.E. Mgr. Noël Treanor, Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union; Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE; and Fr. Benoît Lobet, Dean of the Cathedral of Brussels.
The Holy Mass will follow an organ concert starting at 16:15 (CET). Participation in the organ concert and the Holy Mass is open to the public. Info & Participation

PRAYER | As the elections approach, let's pray for Europe!

5 June - We are pleased to share this beautiful prayer by Italian priest Don Francesco Dell'Orco, inspired by the letter Mgr. Crociata (COMECE) and Card. Zuppi (CEI) recently addressed to the European Union. As the elections approach, let's pray for Europe! Read COMECE-CEI open letter to the EU [EN - IT]

EVENT | International conference “The geopolitics of Higher Education”

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7 May - COMECE is delighted to invite you to participate in the international conference “The geopolitics of Higher Education” to take place at the COMECE Secretariat, Brussels, on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 from 9:30 to 17:00 (CET). This one-day event is organised by COMECE and the International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC) to explore how the changing geopolitical order is affecting the higher education sector at the global scale. The event will feature contribution from experts, stakeholders and representatives of the European Commission. Read the News | Register now by clicking here | Download the Programme

NEWS | COMECE exchanges with Jewish organisations ways to promote FoRB and fight against antisemitism in Europe

3 June - The General Secretary of COMECE, Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, participated in the annual conference of the European Jewish Association in Amsterdam. He shared insights on COMECE's activities regarding freedom of religion within the EU and discussed strategies to combat the growing antisemitism in Europe.

NEWS | SoHo Regulation, COMECE regrets equating generic human substances with human embryos and fetuses

28 May - Asked by the Italian daily newspaper Avvenire to comment on the new EU Regulation on Substances of Human origin (SoHo), the COMECE press officer stated: "Unfortunately, we regret that the negotiations over the past months between various European institutions have not excluded embryos and fetuses from the list of substances of human origin. This means that the Regulation equates generic human substances with human embryos and fetuses, which represents an unacceptable degradation of prenatal human life". Read the article

INTERVIEW | EU Bishops President: "Today sovereignty can only be maintained if shared, as should happen in the European Union"

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6 June - "Every nation must express itself, contribute and preserve its own identity. But today, sovereignty can only be maintained if shared, as should happen in the European Union," says COMECE President Mgr. Mariano Crociata, emphasizing the "need for more Europe" during an interview with Italian daily newspaper La Stampa. Read the full interview

Christian ARTworks | The Oktav (Luxembourg)

30 May - This month, our ‘Christian Heritage month by month’ column presents you with the Oktav in the Archdiocese of Luxembourg. Being the country’s main religious event in honour of Our Lady Consoler of the Afflicted, it gathers thousands of faithful, who take part in the the celebrations and continue a centuries-long Christian tradition. Read the Article

Next at COMECE

10-11 June
COMECE Adviser José Luis Bazán will deliver a keynote speech on migration in the ecological context during a conference at the University Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid, Spain

12 June
COMECE General Secretary Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto will celebrate the holy mass at the European Parliament at 8:30 (CET).

12 June
International conference “The geopolitics of Higher Education”. Info & Registration

12 June
COMECE General Secretary Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto will participate in the event "Stolen childhood; do not forget Ukrainian new generation" to be held in Brussels by the Focolare Project Europe.

13-14 June
Spring 2024 Meeting of the COMECE Commission on Culture and Education to be held at the COMECE Secretariat in Brussels presided over by Mgr. Janusz Stepnowski.

17-19 June
Fr. Barrios Prieto will participate in the CCEE annual conference of General Secretaries of Bishops' Conferences across the European continent. The meeting will take place in Madrid, Spain.

20-22 June
The members of the COMECE Standing Committee will be in Rome for a private audience with Pope Francis. During their visit, they will also have a series of institutional meetings with representatives of the Holy See, including Card. Pietro Parolin and Mgr. Gallagher. Additionally, they will meet with the Presidency of the CCEE at the new headquarters in Rome, and with Alexandra Valkenburg, the EU Ambassador to the Holy See.

23-24 June
COMECE-CEC ecumenical delegation will meet with representatives of the Hungarian government to exchange on the priorities of the Hungarian EU Presidency to start on the 1st of July.

26 June
Second online meeting of the COMECE ad-hoc working group on the Future of Work.

27 June
COMECE General Secretary Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto and COMECE Adviser Alessandro Calcagno will participate in the conference on religious and philosophical diversity in the European Committee of the Regions.

1 July
Organ concert and Mass for Europe to be held at the Cathedral of Brussels, Belgium, on the occasion of the start of the Hungarian EU Presidency. More Info


The Catholic Church in the European Union

Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences
of the European Union