
20 March 2023

Families and Bishops together in Europe: COMECE and FAFCE sign memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation on family policies

COMECE and FAFCE signed on Monday 20 March 2023 a memorandum of understanding to enhance their cooperation in the field of family policies at the EU level. Cardinal Hollerich: “it is essential to support families and look at the problems they face”.

The agreement was signed by H. Em. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), and Vincenzo Bassi, President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE).

With this understanding, both organisations will benefit from each other’s expertise. FAFCE will tighten its relationship with the representatives of the Catholic Church in the European Union, participating as observer member to the meetings of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission. The Bishops of the European Union will gain from the grassroot experience in the field of family policies offered by the many national organisations that are part of FAFCE.
“We are grateful for the service that FAFCE gives to the Church in Europe – stated Cardinal Hollerich. It is not by chance that this agreement has been reached during the synodal path. Together, in the context of a more fragmented and individualistic society, we wish to offer our contribution to the common good. It is essential to support families and look at the problems they face”, continued the President of COMECE.
“This memorandum is an example of how Pastors and Christian families and family associations can walk together and join their forces to find new ways of communicating the beauty of the family, as well as calling on the European institutions to consider the fundamental function of the family as the building block of the future” – stated the President of FAFCE, Vincenzo Bassi.
The memorandum institutionalises a lively collaboration that goes back many years and has already resulted in joint documents and events. The latest examples are the Reflection Paper on the role of the elderly in times of demographic change and the event on the European Care Strategy.


Alessandro Di Maio
+32 (0) 22 35 05 15

The Catholic Church in the European Union

Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences
of the European Union