Press Release

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the European Union: “The significance of the EU in times of crisis has been recognised”

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and Archbishop of Munich and Freising, welcomed with joy the news that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the European Union on the 12 October 2012:

(Credit: COMECE)

“I’m extremely glad that, especially in these times of crisis, the EU is honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize” stated Cardinal Marx. “It is a clear sign that Europe can contribute to a better world, in the words of Jean Monnet. Despite all the problems we are now confronted with in Europe, this prize reminds us what a great contribution to a peaceful development of the Continent the European integration project has achieved. And what a great share politically engaged Christians have made to this achievement. “