COMECE contribution to the planned EU Strategy for Iraq

COMECE welcomes the commitment of the EU to elaborate a Strategy for Iraq and submits recommendations to policy-makers to support Iraqi people in rebuilding their country.

Statue designed by Iraqi sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat. The statue is located in Baghdad, Iraq. (Photo: Rasool Ali/Shutterstock)

As part of the worldwide network of the Catholic Church, COMECE is in regular contact with Iraqi Bishops. In close dialogue with them, COMECE elaborated a contribution to the planned “EU Strategy for engagement with Iraq” with an analysis of the local context leading to some policy principles and proposals.

COMECE recommends the EU to support Iraq policy in developing people- and community-centered economic opportunities and sustainable development. An inclusive and long-standing peace process based on the rule of law, human rights, justice and good governance has to be implemented. A particular focus needs to be placed on empowering young people to take an active part at all levels of economic, social and political life.

COMECE encourages the EU to effectively enter into dialogue with all actors at the regional, European and international level in order to allow all actors to contribute to a sustainable peace process.

Full local co-ownership and inclusive engagement of all stakeholders, including Churches and religious communities is key in processes of rebuilding and reconciliation.