Proposals to improve EU’s integration of third country nationals

COMECE and other members of the Christian group on migration have published their comments on the Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals proposed by the European Commission. The Plan aims at supporting Member States in the integration of third-country nationals in the EU.

(Credit: Web)

COMECE and other Christian organisations welcome the intention to establish a common policy framework and supporting measures to help Member States to further develop and strengthen their national integration policies for third- country nationals.

Nevertheless, the Action Plan is insufficiently linked to other related legislation proposed by the European Commission whereas integration should have been a priority while defining new legislation such as the reform of Dublin. Integration must be mainstreamed outside from the action plan, looking both at the immediate impact and long term consequences in terms of integration.

Based on their experiences and activities across the continent, the Christian organisations share three concrete proposals linked to the various policy priorities outlined in the Action Plan.