
Bishop Virgil Bercea

Bishop of Oradea Mare/Gran Varadino

Bishop Bercea was born on 9 December 1957 in Habic, Romania. After his studies in agricultural science and working experience in this field, he took courses in theology. On 9 December 1982 he was ordained a priest of the Greek-Catholic Church. Virgil Bercea specialised in dogmatic theology in Rome and, after having finished his licentiate, he was consecrated Bishop on 8 September 1994, as the … Continue reading »

Bishop Lodewijk Aerts

Bishop of Bruges

Bishop Lodewijk Aerts was born on 2 October 1959 in Geraardsbergen, Ghent. He studied Philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven and theology at the diocesan seminar of Ghent. He was ordained a priest on 7 July 1984. From 1988 to 1992, Lode Aerts was professor of philosophy at the seminary of Ghent. From 1992 to 2002, he taught dogmatic theology and was the spiritual … Continue reading »

Online event on exposing sexual exploitation of women that targets vulnerable religious communities

Jihadist terrorism has shifted the focus of its operations to sub-Saharan and Indian Africa, and to the regions of Asia bordering the equator, while continuing its presence in the Middle East. This phenomenon has also a dimension that affects women as a group exposed to sexual violence, exploitation, and enslavement. In many cases, these women belong to vulnerable religious communities. This is not just exploitation … Continue reading »

President of the Commission on the External Action of the EU

Bishop Jan Vokál

Bishop of Hradec Králové

Mgr. Jan Vokál was born on September 1958 in Hlinsko, Bohemia. After his studies at Middle School of Industry and Electronic Technology in Pardubice, he graduated in cybertechnics from Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague in 1983. In September 1983, he left for Rome to enter the Pontifical College Nepomucenum. He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Lateran University. … Continue reading »

Bishop Kieran O’Reilly

Archbishop of Cashel and Emly

Bishop O’Reilly was born on 8 August 1952. Following university studies in St. Patrick’s College (Maynooth), he was ordained to the priesthood on 17 June 1978 in the African Missions Church at Wilton, Cork. He was then appointed to pastoral work in the Archdiocese of Monrovia (Liberia). Two years later, Mgr. O’Reilly was recalled to undertake studies in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, … Continue reading »

Bishop Léon Wagener

Auxiliary Bishop of Luxembourg

Bishop Wagener was born on April 12, 1962, in Ettelbruck. He studied philosophy and theology at the Faculty of Theology of Trèves and at the Catholic Institute of Paris. In 1987 he obtained his master’s degree in theology. The year after, he was consecrated priest. Between 1988 and 2006 he works extensively with the youth and rural communities. In 2015, he is the vicar general … Continue reading »


Bishop Mariano Crociata

Bishop of Latina

Born in Castelvetrano, Province of Trapani, Sicily, Mariano Crociata was ordained as a priest in 1979. He studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, where he was awarded a doctorate in theology in 1984. He ran the theology of religions department at Palermo’s Theological School. From 2003 he was Vicar General of the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo. On 16 July … Continue reading »