Press Release

Cardinal Marx welcomes the announcement of Pope Francis’ visit to the European Parliament

Today it was announced by the European Parliament that Pope Francis has accepted the invitation of President Martin Schulz to address the European Parliament during its plenary assembly in Strasbourg on 25 November 2014. The President of COMECE, His Eminence Reinhard Cardinal Marx, enthusiastically welcomed this news and has issued the following statement:

(Credit: Web)

“It makes me very glad to hear today that Pope Francis, in response to the invitation of President Martin Schulz, is to visit Strasbourg on 25 November and address the plenary assembly of the European Parliament. This is very good news, particularly as 2014 marks a series of challenging beginnings for the European project. Together with my fellow bishops of the EU, I am particularly gratified by this exciting announcement.

The decision to come to Strasbourg before visiting any individual EU member state as such gives a strong signal that the Pope supports and encourages the pursuit of European integration and unity. Pope Francis is acknowledging the unique significance of the European institutions in the life of our continent. He is saluting the achievements of the European project, not least the peace dividend which merited the EU the Nobel Peace Prize. The European integration has enjoyed the benevolent support of the Catholic Church right from its inception. Pope John Paul II visited the European Parliament in 1988; this second papal visit highlights that continuing support from the Church for the noble ideals of European integration.

We hope that the Holy Father will encourage European parliamentarians in their work and that he will indicate how the foundational values of the Union – inspired to a large degree by the Christian faith – may shape the Europe of tomorrow. “ Cardinal Reinhard Marx.