Category Archives: Ecology & Sustainability

In the Treaties the European Union professes the principles of sustainability, the protection of the environment and the fight against the causes and effects of climate change. Regularly these ambitions are in conflict with other aims of the EU like economic growth, agriculture and industrial policy.
Since 2008 COMECE has been engaged with the topic of climate change and regularly stressed the necessity of an ecological conversion and a different and more sober style of life. In his encyclical «Laudato si» Pope Francis has flagged up this idea with his concept of an «integrate ecology» that underscores the link between the protection of the environment and climate, the fight against poverty, social justice, economy and politics.


Lunch debate: Climate change and human mobility challenges

‘Migration is a positive and effective adaptation strategy in case of situations forcing people to leave their homelands’. The lunch debate COMECE organised on 21 October 2015 aimed at raising awareness of the potential challenges that climate induced mobility of persons represents for the international community and the appropriate answers to this phenomenon, including policy-related ones. Prof. Kjeld Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) described in his … Continue reading »


The EU Bishops meet in Paris to discuss Climate Change 28-30 October 2015

This autumn, the Plenary Assembly of the 27 Member Bishops of COMECE will exceptionally be held in Paris in the premises of the French Bishops’ Conference (Avenue de Breteuil) from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 October. By meeting in Paris, ahead of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), the COMECE Bishops wish to send a strong message and to communicate their concerns … Continue reading »


‘Laudato Si: a revolutionary Message’

What is the impact of the Encyclical « Laudato Si » on the European Union ? How do EU Politicians interpret the key messages conveyed by Pope Francis his encyclical letter ? To find out, COMECE organised a Luncheon Debate in Brussels on 25 June, confronting a theologian with a member of the European Parliament. Father Sean McDonagh Irish Eco-theologian, missionary priest, best-selling author on … Continue reading »


Cardinal Marx: “Laudato Si’ is a strong signal at the right time”

Cardinal Marx, President of COMECE, welcomes the new Encyclical of Pope Francis as “a strong and timely signal”. For the first time a Pope “has voluntarily decided to impact world politics” stated Cardinal Marx at this morning’s presentation of the Encyclical in Munich. Not by accident has the Pope published his Encyclical before the decisive summits on Development Goals in New-York in September and on … Continue reading »


Churches on Climate Change: a matter of Solidarity and Global Justice

In light of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment report, and in advance of the Warsaw Climate Change Conference, a one day seminar entitled “Environmental protection and climate change as a challenge for policies – the role of ethics, lifestyles, solidarity and global justice” has concluded. Organised jointly by the Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Commission of the Episcopates … Continue reading »


Statement upon the death of Brother Roger Schutz-Marsauche, founder of the Taizé Community

Following the violent death of Brother Roger Schutz-Marsauche on 16 August 2005, the Secretary General of COMECE, Mgr Noël Treanor offers the following statement: “In founding the Taizé Community in 1940, Brother Roger embarked upon a vocation to reconcile God’s people on the European continent; a vocation which was callously brought to an end yesterday evening. I am saddened and shocked at his untimely death. … Continue reading »