Press Release

COMECE and UFV launch European Summer School in Spain for future EU leaders – Register now for July 2024!

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of the European Union (COMECE) and the University Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) have signed a formal agreement to collaborate on developing programs for the formation of European leaders. Click here to apply now for the 2024 European Summer School, which will take place in Spain from July 7th to 13th!

(Monastery La Vid, Aranda del Duero, Spain. Photo: International Academy of Catholic Leaders)

Signed on Friday, 24 May 2024, the agreement between COMECE and the Madrid-based University Francisco de Vitoria, aims to provide reciprocal support in forming future European leaders dedicated to promoting the common good.

The first fruit of this agreement is the launching of the European Summer School, to be held on 7-13 July 2024 in the Monastery La Vid, in Aranfa del Duero, Spain. The Summer School will be organised by the Isabel la Católica School of Government and Leadership, in cooperation with the International Academy of Catholic Leaders.

This program will bring together young people between 18 and 40 years old with a vocation for leadership from various regions of Europe. They will be accompanied by internationally recognised world experts aimed at revitalising the European project.

Based on the principles of Greek philosophy, Roman law and Judeo-Christian religion, the camp is aimed at young leaders-in-training who wish to develop the virtues and skills of the public servant, cultivate empathy and establish a real connection to the needs and concerns of the citizens they will serve in the future.

The Summer School will also be a space that proposes to reflect on the roots of Europe, to analyse its current framework and to rethink its future, prioritising dialogue in community.

It will include a circuit of practical workshops for the development of skills and competencies, sports, cultural and spiritual communion activities, being the prelude to other high-impact projects such as the Global Leadership Program – more info on this second initiative will be shared in the near future.

People interested in participating in the European Summer School (Spain, 7-13 July 2024) are invited to register on the following website

This European Summer School promises to be an enriching experience that will help shape future European leaders committed to the common good – don’t miss it!