
The European Union needs common values

Churches meet German EU presidency. Conversation with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Churches have a specific role in the European integration process, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated during a meeting with representatives from German and European churches this Monday. Churches in Europe are closely linked with each other through their numerous ecumenical contacts and European umbrella organisations. This makes them important partners in their national contexts in discussions on common European values and the future of the European integration process. In many countries, churches create awareness about European issues and contribute to a European culture. Foreign Minister Steinmeier highlighted this aspect particularly in respect of the “Berlin Declaration” which will be presented for adoption under the German EU Presidency on 25 March to the EU heads of state and government and in light of a revitalised discussion around the “Constitutional Treaty” prepared by the European convention.

The Berlin Declaration and the future of Constitutional Treaty were the main themes of the meeting between the German EU presidency and the churches. In preparation for a Constitutional Treaty, churches have emphasised values such as human dignity, justice and solidarity. The Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Commission of the Bishop’s Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) have recently taken new initiatives on the future of Europe and its common values.

Further themes, on which the churches’ delegation expressed their expectations towards the German EU presidency included: peace and security, energy policy and climate change as well as the European migration policy.

Foreign Minister Steinmeier emphasised his hope and willingness to stay in close contact with the churches in the course of the German EU presidency.

The meeting with Foreign Minister Steinmeier took place in the framework of the meetings that COMECE and CEC hold every six months with the rotating presidency of the European Union. Participants from the side of the churches in this meeting were: Mgr Noel Treanor, Secretary General of COMECE; Rev Rüdiger Noll, Director of the Church and Society Commission and Associate General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches; Oberkirchenrätin Antje Heider-Rottwilm, Moderator of Church and Society Commission and Head of the Europe Department of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD); Oberkirchenrat David Gill, Deputy to the Plenipotentiary of the EKD; Oberkirchenrätin Sabine von Zanthier from the EKD Office in Brussels; Mr Heiner B. Lendermann, Deputy to the Plenipotentiary of the German Bishops’ Conference and Dr Martina Köppen, from the Plenipotentiary’s office of the German Bishops’ Conference.