Press Release

“The time for conversion is now…”, say COMECE Bishops in view of COP 21

Ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), COMECE presents to the negotiators, to concerned EU citizens and to all who care about the future of our planet a comprehensive report on the climate issue.

(Credit: Web)

The UN Conference on Climate (COP 21) opens in Paris on Sunday 29 November 2015. Aware that the EU is a major player and that Europe is key to any successful just, legally binding and sustainable international agreement on climate, the bishops of COMECE are pleased to present to the negotiators, to concerned EU citizens and to all who care about the future of our planet a comprehensive report on the climate issue.

This report commissioned by the bishops was prepared by an expert working party. At their recent autumn plenary assembly in Paris, the Bishops of COMECE expressed the hope that this report may feed into COP 21 discussions.

Inspired by the broad ecological vision of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato si’, the report follows an analysis of the current climate dynamic with a series of concrete policy suggestions, the basic thrust of which is a move toward ecological conversion. The report also contains an annexe which details examples of Church-based or faith-inspired practical ecological projects from across Europe. These initiatives, small-scale and modest for the most part, are nonetheless inspiring. They prove that ecological conversion is possible.