European pillar of social rights: an important step towards a social market economy

COMECE welcomes the Commission Recommendation establishing the European Pillar of Social Rights, which was presented this 26 April. The initiative is an important step towards the European Treaties objective of a social market economy.

(Credit: Web)

“The first element of European vitality must be solidarity”, emphasised Pope Francis in his address to EU leaders on 24 March 2017 in Rome. The Commission Recommendations establishing the European Pillar of Social Rights and the related initiatives of the EU social package strengthen the European Community of Solidarity and Responsibility.

The Recommendation of the European Pillar of Social Rights is a clear demonstration that the Commission is committed to deliver on President Juncker’s promise of Social Triple A. The broad approach as well as the implementation through the European Semester are in line with COMECE’s suggestions.

In the upcoming weeks, the COMECE Social Affairs Commission will analyse the EU initiatives and discuss the proposals at their next meeting on 2 June 2017.