Future of work after Laudato si’: debate on the changing labour market

In a time of digitalisation, robotisation and climate change, the world of work is facing incredible changes. Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ and its call to protect employment and nature, COMECE took part in a seminar with the ILO, researchers and Church-based actors in Geneva.

(Credit: Web)

The conference was a first stepping-stone towards a COMECE reflection on the future of work.

Together with Catholic actors from five different continents and the International Labour Organisations (ILO), COMECE discussed the negative and positive impacts of digitalisation, robotisation and the globalisation on the labour market.

Participants stressed the need for a more social and sustainable economy, based not only on the goal of profit-maximisation but able to take into account its effect on human dignity and the natural environment. They also agreed that a new perception of work and labour is demanded by the climate change and by the need for an ecological transition.

The three-day workshop hosted by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) was the starting point of global reflection on Catholic actors, which shall feed-in into the ILO centenary debate on the future of work.

COMECE will contribute to this debate by providing a reflection paper formulated with other European Catholic-based organisations within the framework of COMECE Social Affairs Commission. The paper will be addressed with specific recommendations to the European institutions.

COMECE will also continue to assess the impacts of digitalisation on decent working hours and work-life balance in its European Sunday Alliance.