Roma people, committing for their full inclusion into the European societies

Seven years after the EU Commission adopted the EU framework for National Roma Inclusion Strategies up to 2020, recent statistics show that Roma people’s inclusion in European societies is still a challenge that deserves to be faced. COMECE is committed to promote their full integration into societies, respecting their culture in diversity and meeting their specific needs, including education, employment, housing, healthcare and citizenship.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

As shown by the “Midterm review of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies” positive improvements have been made in education and healthcare, but persistent discrimination, low employment rates and poor housing conditions still challenge the full inclusion of Rome people into the European societies.

As Pope Francis said in his address to the participants in the Pilgrimage of the Gypsies, “the time has come to put an end to age-old prejudices, preconceptions and mutual mistrust that are often at the base of discrimination, racism and xenophobia. No one must feel isolated, and no one is authorized to trample on the dignity and rights of others.”

Over the last years, COMECE has been contributing on Roma inclusion since it published its “COMECE/CCEE Reflection on the EU Roma Framework” and is participating in the European Platform for Roma Inclusion promoted by the European Commission.

COMECE will take part in the next annual conference of Roma inclusion that will be focused on Roma people’s access to rights and its impact on health and housing.