Category Archives: Ethics, Research & Health

Scientific research and technological development make a major contribution to the integral development and the quality of life of human beings, especially, but not only, in the area of health where new therapeutic options become increasingly available. They are also an important motor of economic growth. COMECE chiefly covers the bioethical issues that arise at the EU level in the ambits of health and of research, although the main competences with regard to these matters remain largely at the Member States’ level. COMECE is assisted in this mission by a Working Group on Ethics.


Family policy – chance and challenge for Europe COMECE proposes a new strategy

On November 5th the Secretariat of COMECE will present a further contribution for a family strategy on the EU level. The document ‘Proposal for a Strategy of the European Union for the Support of Couples and Marriage’ draws attention to challenges for families in Europe. It suggests political initiatives (labour law, tax policy, housing policy, etc.) through which European institutions can support families. Stable couples … Continue reading »


Advanced Therapies at any cost?

Press declaration on the plenary vote of the European Parliament on the Regulation on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (Mikolášik-report) on 25 April 2007. Mgr. Noel Treanor, Secretary General of COMECE, expressed his disappointment about the result of the vote in the European Parliament regarding the Regulation on Advanced Therapies: „In fundamental ethical issues touching on the inviolability and the dignity of human life, it is … Continue reading »


EU Legislation on Advanced Therapies: Ethical issues may not be excluded

On 30 January 2007, the Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopted the draft report by Mr Mikolasik (EPP, Slowakia) on the proposal for a regulation on “Advanced Therapies”. Mgr. Treanor, Secretary General of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community acknowledged the benefits of a uniform procedure for advanced therapies, whilst underlining that ethical issues may not be excluded. … Continue reading »


Adoption of the 7th Research Framework Programme

On the occasion of the final adoption of the 7th Research Framework Programme on 18 December and of the Specific Research Programmes on 20 December 2006, Mgr. Noel Treanor, Secretary General of COMECE, made the following statement: We regret that we cannot welcome wholeheartedly the adoption of the 7th Research Framework Programme and the complementary specific research programmes. We welcome the broad variety of important … Continue reading »


Shaping a framework for future-proof Social and Healthcare Services. A Contribution of the Churches and Church Organisations

Churches and church-related Organisations, such as Caritas and Diaconia, are major providers of social and healthcare services in the European Union. In a Dialogue Seminar with the European Commission they underlined their particular commitment to provide social and healthcare services in order to serve European citizens and the common good of the EU. In accordance with a long-established practice, the European Commission, together with the … Continue reading »


Set Back for the Protection of Embryos: The European Union faces a Major Bioethical Challenge

The Secretariat of COMECE has followed the preparation of the 7th Framework Research Programme for the period 2007-2013. It expresses its profound deception regarding the decision of the European Council of Ministers on 24 July 2006. The Catholic Church recognises the importance of developing an economy based on knowledge, research and innovation in the European Union. To this end the 7th Framework Research Programme is … Continue reading »