Category Archives: Ethics, Research & Health

Scientific research and technological development make a major contribution to the integral development and the quality of life of human beings, especially, but not only, in the area of health where new therapeutic options become increasingly available. They are also an important motor of economic growth. COMECE chiefly covers the bioethical issues that arise at the EU level in the ambits of health and of research, although the main competences with regard to these matters remain largely at the Member States’ level. COMECE is assisted in this mission by a Working Group on Ethics.


COMECE dismayed that the European Parliament promotes the instrumentalisation and destruction of human embryos

On 15 June 2006, the European Parliament voted in first reading on the 7th Research Framework Programme and called for EU funding of research with human embryos and human embryonic stem cells. Mgr Noel Treanor, Secretary General of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), made the following statement: COMECE is supportive of an effective EU research policy in the service … Continue reading »

Press Release

EU-Research Funding and Ethics Brussels, 2005 Autumn Plenary

In the context of the Lisbon Strategy the member states have agreed to significantly increase expenditure for research and development by the year 2010. The EU’s institutions are currently in the process of adopting the 7th Research Framework Programme and its complementary specific research programmes. • Support for research We Bishops of COMECE strongly support the plan to give more support to research and development. … Continue reading »


Research in the light of human dignity

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) is disappointed that the Commission proposal for the 7th Research Framework Programme of the 6 April does not contain any clear ethical limits for jointly funded EU research projects. Mgr. Noël Treanor, the Secretary General of COMECE gave this initial reaction to the European Commission’s decision of 6 April: “COMECE supports the development of … Continue reading »