27/09/2002 Churches and Religious Communities in a Constitutional Treaty of the European Union (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 27 September 2002 20020927 - Churches and Religious Communities in a Constitutional Treaty of the European Union (EN)
14/08/2002 COMECE Reflection on the European Monetary Union (EN) Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 14 August 2002 20020814 - COMECE Reflection on the European Monetary Union (EN)
16/07/2002 COMECE and CCME Contributions to the Green Paper on a Community Return Policy on Illegal Residents (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 16 July 2002 20020716 - COMECE and CCME Contributions to the Green Paper on a Community Return Policy on Illegal Residents (EN)
28/06/2002 Joint Letter to the European Convention President, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 28 June 2002 20020630 - Joint Letter to the European Convention President, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (EN)
21/05/2002 Contribution to the Debate on the Future of the EU in the European Convention – Political Commitment, Values, and Religion (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 21 May 2002 20020521 - Contribution to the Debate on the Future of the EU in the European Convention – Political Commitment, Values, and Religion (EN)
14/05/2002 Contribution to the 2nd Summit of EU, Latin America and the Caribbean – For a more humane global society founded on solidarity (EN) EU External Affairs, Policy Areas, Publications Link 14 May 2002 20020514 - Contribution to the 2nd Summit of EU, Latin America and the Caribbean - For a more humane global society founded on solidarity (EN)
05/12/2001 Statement «Building Trust Among Citizens in the future of Europe» (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 5 December 2001 20011205 - Statement «Building Trust Among Citizens in the future of Europe» (EN)
23/11/2001 Contribution concerning the Communication from the Commission “Towards a Strategic Vision of Life Sciences and Biotechnology” (EN) Ethics, Research & Health, Policy Areas, Publications Link 23 November 2001 20011123 - Contribution concerning the Communication from the Commission “Towards a Strategic Vision of Life Sciences and Biotechnology (EN)
26/10/2001 Notes of the COMECE Bioethics Discussion Group on Medical Experiments (EN) Ethics, Research & Health, Policy Areas, Publications Link 26 October 2001 20011026 - Notes of the COMECE Bioethics Discussion Group on Medical Experiments (EN)
22/10/2001 Comments on the EC Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the status of third country nationals who are long-term residents [COM (2001) 127 final] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 22 October 2001 20011022 - Comments on the EC Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the status of third country nationals who are long-term residents [COM (2001) 127 final] (EN)