30/03/2001 Statement «Common Asylum and Immigration Policy of the European Union» (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 30 March 2001 20010330 - Statement «Common Asylum and Immigration Policy of the European Union» (EN)
30/03/2001 Statement “A Call for Media Education” (EN) Education & Culture, Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 30 March 2001 20010330 - Statement A Call for Media Education (EN)
01/01/2001 20010101 – Reflection paper on the future of the EU media policy in the information society (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 1 January 2001 20010101 – Reflection paper on the future of the EU media policy in the information society (EN)
06/12/2000 Statement «A Stable Monetary Union – Hope for a Europe of Solidarity». Two years after the introductio of the EURO (EN) Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 6 December 2000 20001206 - Statement «A Stable Monetary Union - Hope for a Europe of Solidarity». Two years after the introductio of the EURO (EN)
22/11/2000 Position Paper on the Amended Proposal for a Directive on the Right to Family Reunification [COM (2000) 624 FINAL] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 22 November 2000 20001122 - COMECE Position Paper on the Amended Proposal for a Directive on the Right to Family Reunification [COM (2000) 624 FINAL] (EN)
18/10/2000 Observations of the COMECE Secretariat on the draft Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EN) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 18 October 2000 20001018 - Observations of the COMECE Secretariat on the draft Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EN)
25/08/2000 Notes of the COMECE Bioethic Discussion Group on the use of human stem cells and therapeutic cloning (EN) Ethics, Research & Health, Policy Areas, Publications Link 25 August 2000 20000825 - Notes of the COMECE Bioethic Discussion Group on the use of human stem cells and therapeutic cloning (EN)
24/08/2000 Reflecions et suggestions de la COMECE sur le projet de Charte des Droits Fondamentauxde l’UE (FR) Justice & Fundamental Rights, Policy Areas, Publications Link 24 August 2000 20000824 - Reflecions et suggestions de la COMECE sur le projet de Charte des Droits Fondamentauxde l'UE (FR)
24/05/2000 Comments on the EU Communication “e- Learning – Designing Tomorrow’s Education” (EN) Education & Culture, Policy Areas, Publications Link 24 May 2000 20000524 - Comments on the EU Communication “e- Learning – Designing Tomorrow’s Education” (EN)
20/03/2000 Position paper on EC proposal for a directive on the right to family reunification [COM (1999) 638 final] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 20 March 2000 20000320 - Position paper on EC proposal for a directive on the right to family reunification [COM (1999) 638 final] (EN)