20/09/2001 COMECE-CEC statement calling to implement the European Strategy for Sustainable development (EN) Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 20 September 2001 20010920 - COMECE-CEC statement calling to implement the European Strategy for Sustainable development (EN)
17/09/2001 Statement of the Presidium of COMECE following the attacks in the USA (EN) EU External Affairs, Policy Areas, Publications Link 17 September 2001 20010917 - Statement of the Presidium of COMECE following the attacks in the USA (EN)
01/09/2001 Contribution of the COMECE Working Group for Social Affairs “Europe’s responsability for the global development. Market and institutions after Seattle” (EN) Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 1 September 2001 20010901 - Contribution of the COMECE Working Group for Social Affairs "Europe's responsability for the global development. Market and institutions after Seattle" (EN)
01/09/2001 COMECE Report on Global Governance – “Our responsability to make globalisation an opportunity for all” (EN) Policy Areas, Publications, Social & Economic Affairs Link 1 September 2001 20010901 - COMECE Report on Global Governance - "Our responsability to make globalisation an opportunity for all" (EN)
01/09/2001 Joint comments on the EC Proposal for a Council Directive laying down minimum standards on the reception of applicants for asylum in Member States [COM (2001) 181 final] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 1 September 2001 20010901 - Joint comments on the EC Proposal for a Council Directive laying down minimum standards on the reception of applicants for asylum in Member States [COM (2001) 181 final] (EN)
28/05/2001 Contribution to the debate on the communication on a Community immigration policy [COM (2000) 757 FINAL] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 28 May 2001 20010528 - Contribution to the debate on the communication on a Community immigration policy [COM (2000) 757 FINAL] (EN)
28/05/2001 Comments on the EC communication “Towards a common asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum” [COM (2000) 755 FINAL] (EN) Migration & Asylum, Policy Areas, Publications Link 28 May 2001 20010528 - Comments on the EC communication Towards a common asylum procedure and a uniform status, valid throughout the Union, for persons granted asylum [COM (2000) 755 FINAL] (EN)
26/04/2001 Contribution de la Cellule de reflexion bioethique de la COMECE sur la Génétique et Medicine Recherche dans les domaines des embryos et du clonate (EN) Ethics, Research & Health, Policy Areas, Publications Link 26 April 2001 20010426 - Contribution de la Cellule de reflexion bioethique de la COMECE sur la Génétique et Medicine Recherche dans les domaines des embryos et du clonate (EN)
26/04/2001 Contribution de la Cellule de reflexion bioethique de la COMECE sur la Génétique et Medicine Recherche dans les domaines des embryos et du clonate (EN) Ethics, Research & Health, Policy Areas, Publications Link 26 April 2001 20010426 - Contribution de la Cellule de reflexion bioethique de la COMECE sur la Génétique et Medicine Recherche dans les domaines des embryos et du clonate (EN)
30/03/2001 Statement «The crisis in the European agriculture and its consequences» (EN) Ecology & Sustainability, Policy Areas, Publications Link 30 March 2001 20010330 - Statement «The crisis in the European agriculture and its consequences» (EN)